About Us
Our son, for now we’ll call him Joe, has always been dear to our hearts. Like many young people, he strayed and fell in with the wrong crowd. One fateful night Joe found himself in real trouble and he is now serving a lengthy sentence. Oddly enough this time he was actually innocent, but the system is not terribly open minded once they’ve set their sights on someone.
There is a lot of spare time in prison. We are able to get him the occasional pencil or pen, and what he is able to do with so little still amazes us. Joe will send us a card now and then for special occasions and we’ve saved them over the years. This site is a compilation of all of his work. We’ve started this site so Joe can have something to look forward to when he gets out.
We love our son and want to see him succeed. Orders placed on this site cover our costs and then go into an account for Joe. By purchasing cards from this site, you are helping our son have hope.
Thank you for taking the time to visit our site, dedicated to our son.
B & J V
About Us
There is a lot of spare time in prison. We are able to get him the occasional pencil or pen, and what he is able to do with so little still amazes us. Joe will send us a card now and then for special occasions and we’ve saved them over the years. This site is a compilation of all his work. We’ve started this site so Joe can have something to look forward to when he gets out. We love our son and want to see him succeed. Orders placed on this site cover our costs and then go into an account for Joe. By purchasing cards from this site, you are helping out son have hope. Thank you for taking the time to visit our site dedicated to our son. B & J V |